Week 11 Story: Sioux Legends

(Chief Black Tail Deer and his family: Wikipedia)

The Rabbit and the Grouse Girls

The rabbit to the side of a hill where he saw the grouse girls. He claimed he could get them fine skin with bangles on it to slide down the hill. He asked them to get inside the skin, but the girls were afraid. The rabbit flattered them and coxed them into the sack and quickly closing it shut. Bringing it to grandmother, he asked her to watch it while he went to get willow sticks for spits. The girls begged to be let out and the grandmother let them get away. The rabbit was very angry when he came back. 

The Rabbit and the Bear

The rabbit was out of arrows and the fall hunt was coming. He needed flint to make the arrowheads and the only place to get it was the old bear chief. The rabbit set out to the bear’s village where he came to a hut. The woman welcomed him with a fire for his feet. The next day, the rabbit went to the bear and the bear showed how his body was half flesh and half flint. The rabbit took a stone hammer and chipped away for flint, accidently breaking the bear’s body apart. The rabbit quickly bounded away fearfully! 

The Wonderful Turtle

In a lake lived a turtle who was full of wisdom. The chief knew the turtle was smart, so he often asked him to assist in settling problems. One day, there was a misunderstanding and the turtle decided the fate that ended peacefully. The chief awarded him with his beautiful daughter, and they got married. The young men of the tribe were jealous and teased the turtle. Then one winter day, the turtle went to rest and fell asleep till summer. He went to find his wife and discovered she had a baby that wasn’t his and he was angry. 

Author's Note

This week I decided to write microfictions for the Sioux tribe legends. I kept all the stories the same, including their plots and characters. I just shortened the stories into mini versions, highlighting the most important details. I wanted to keep the stories the same to showcase the wonderful storytelling capabilities of these tribal stories! I hope everyone enjoys!


Title: Sioux Legends

Author: Marie McLaughlin


  1. Hi Morgan,

    I love that you broke these down into smaller stories based on the different animals. I also thought it was funny that many of the stories ended in the animals being angry or frustrated! I also love stories where the turtles are wise and full of knowledge. That just seems like a fitting characteristic for a turtle! Anyway, I had fun reading these stories!

  2. Hi Morgan!
    I love that you made these stories into short little snip-its! Doing it like this is also a good way to write about more than one story! I thought each one was written super well because I wasn't confused by them. I think the first two stories are my favorite because they were the most detailed! But I thought you did a great job, Morgan! Keep it up!


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