
 Assignments for this Semester

    Hey y'all! I wanted to hop on here and share my thoughts on what I am most and least looking forward to regarding the assignments for this semester! Let's get started!

    After reading through all the assignments we have in store for this semester, I wanted to share which ones I am most excited about! To start, I am most looking forward to the storytelling assignments. I absolutely love writing so this one grabbed my attention right off the bat. I love how this class is allowing me to be creative and expand/practice my writing each week! I also am excited about the numerous extra credit assignments available for each week. I think it's so amazing how many options we have to chose from including learning new tech tips, engaging in more reading or writing, and taking a second to survey the class's stress levels at the end of the week. Plus, it is extra special how we can use these extra credit points to get ahead and finish the class early! Yay!

    I think what I am least looking forward to is the readings. I know I shouldn't be going into this semester thinking I won't like the reading, but more times than not, professors choose readings I don't typically enjoy. They are always very lengthy and are hard to complete with the busyness of my other classes. I am going to try though and keep an open mind and positive attitude because the readings for this class may surprise me! I can't knock it until I try it!

    Overall, I am super excited for what is to come for this class this semester! There are so many great assignments prepared for us and I genuinely am excited to learn about a topic I don't know much about! Stay tuned for more thoughts after I get started with the first few assignments! Good luck to everyone!



(Extra Credit Meme: BuzzFeed)


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