Growth Mindset

 Growth Mindset Thoughts

    I really enjoyed this assignment called Growth Mindset: A Powerful Way to Learn! Before this assignment, I had never heard of Carol Dweck and her growth mindset theory. This information was completely new to me, but I was fascinated by what I learned from the videos! I am glad I had the opportunity to learn about this theory!

    After watching these informational Ted Talks, I began to think about where I would put myself on the growth mindset spectrum. I would say I am right in the middle of the spectrum and would label myself as mixed. I would say I have limited growth in certain domains of learning and I prefer clear and immediate goals. I know this is terrible to admit but my motivation and effort comes from seeing progress and getting the results I want to see. But on the flip side, when I make mistakes, I know there is way that my mistakes can be corrected. Overall, I accept help from others to learn, but my overall mindset is that progress to me equals rewards on what I expect to happen.

    From a student's perspective, I talked about earlier where I sit on the spectrum of the growth mindset model, but I wanted to share about my learning since being at OU. I think as a perfectionist it is hard to have that high growth mindset. with traditional grading in most university classes, I am expected to put in certain effort to obtain high grades. High grades in turn leads to a higher GPA which in turn leads to a higher class ranking. Professors simply expect A students instead of expecting progress from their students. I wish professors would give students the opportunity to correct our grades on assignments to encourage progress and growth.

    Overall, I am very excited to continue learning about the growth mindset model and learning about the key word "yet" to encourage critical thinking and high growth learning. I personally love how this class doesn't follow traditional grading and allows us to choose the effort we want to put in and the grade we want to get out of this class! It gives us the opportunity to embrace challenges and seek out help when needed. I also appreciate how the professor offers feedback and is open to answering any and all questions to aid in the learning process. She allows us to make mistakes and know there is room to correct them (thank goodness to the grace period). I am really glad I had the opportunity to learn about this model and I am excited to continue learning more!

(Growth Mindset & Feedback Cats: Mindset Cats Blog)


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