Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part B

 The Forgotten Books of Eden

(The Fall, by Michelangelo: Wikipedia)

Leaving the Garden

Summary: On the third day, God created the Garden of Eden on the eastward side of the earth. To the east, the sun would rise and to the north of the garden was the sea of wafer. This sea was so clean and pure when a man washes, he becomes ceremonially clean. God created this water because it was good and that when a man leaves the garden on account of transgression, he could die among the righteous. God would then raise their souls on the last day and they should return in flesh to bathe in the water, repenting of their sins.

When Adam left the garden, he didn't come to close to the water. He didn't allow Adam and Eve to cleanse themselves of their sins in the water since their punishment was severe. God placed him on the south side of the garden where the wind blew delicious smells of the trees. This made Adam forget his transgression which frustrated God.

For this, God made Adam dwell on the west side of the garden in the Cave of Treasures because God is merciful. When Adam and Eve went out to explore the broad land, they were afraid and trembled, falling to the ground. They picture themselves in a strange land surrounded by trees and they were full of grace. God had pity on them, so he sent his word unto them. 

Entering the Cave of Treasures

Summary: God said to Adam that he created this earth for him and that he raised him when he had fallen in the garden. God's words confused Adam so he wept and pleaded to God to help him understand. God showed Adam mercy and told him that there were 5,000 and 500 years left till the One would come and save his seed. God was making another covenant with Adam.

Adam was afraid and trembled, falling to the ground. God again lifted him up and made a covenant with him. As Adam reach the gates with the fire-blazing cherub, the cherub frowned at Adam and Eve and they were afraid. God had pity on them and scolded the cherub. After this, God sent his word unto them and commanded they settle in the Cave of Treasures. 

This comforted Adam but when he looked at his flesh, he wept. Adam and Eve viewed this cave as a prison and place of punishment. It was dark and cold, unlike the beautiful garden they lived in before. Adam explained to Eve their eyes had become open to worldly desires and this was their punishment. They did not like the cave. 

They Die a First Time

Summary: Adam and Eve entered the cave praying and as this was happening, Adam opened his eyes to see none of God's creatures residing in this cave. He wept so hard that he fell down and died. Eve began weeping because she thought Adam was dead. Eve pleaded to God to forgive her of her sin and owned up to what she did in the garden. 

Eve asked for God to take away her soul too because she didn't want to be left alone in the cave. They were companions and she couldn't bear the thought of living without him. She wanted to die on the same day as Adam. She wept bitterly and fell on Adam because of her great sorrow. God saw their sorrow and he sent his word onto them to raise them up and comfort them.

God shook his finger at them wishing they would have confessed their sins when they came out of the garden. He wished they wouldn't have eaten the forbidden fruit in the first place. This is why God has placed this great sorrow on them. God is a creator, not a destroyer but he is just and inflicts punishment when needed. He said Adam and Eve would be under a curse forever. 

The Beasts of the Creation

Summary: These harsh words made Adam and Eve weep even more but they felt God was more like a father to them for he showed them mercy. God had pity on them and reminded Adam of his covenant. God created Adam and Eve for the garden before they transgressed. Adam feared beasts would rise against him and devour him and Eve would be cut from the face of the earth. God had pity on them. 

God commanded all the beasts and creatures of the earth not to harm Adam or Eve. Adam wept because he missed seeing all God's creation. God withdrew all nature from them because of their transgressions and this is why they had a sorrowful heart. 

When Adam and Eve came out of the Cave of Treasures, they wept. They walked to the southern side of the gate and found the water that watered the garden and the Tree of Life. Adam was sorrowful that could no longer enter the garden. It made Adam realize all the things he took for granted in the garden. This made Eve weep. They fell into the water. 

Want of Water and Light

Summary: God sent an angel to rescue them from the water and God breathed life into them again. God told them they weren't allowed to reap the benefits of this water since they transgressed. This made them weep. Adam pleaded with God to return to the garden but God said no. This made them suddenly burn with thirst but they were not allowed to drink the water or they would die.

They returned to the Cave of Treasures where it was complete darkness. This made them miss the bright nature of the garden. They mourned the whole night. Adam beat himself and threw himself onto the ground from grief. Eve found his body like a corpse. God yet again raised him from the dead. Adam pleaded with God to let him die and leave the horrible cave of darkness. 

The Darkness

Summary: God heard Adam and explained to him why he must suffer and live in a world of darkness. God said he showed them mercy by not killing them and only sending them into darkness. God said it would not last forever, only for twelve hours and then daylight would return. He knew Satan would deceive Adam but he still warned him of the punishment. God shared that because of this transgression, all of Adam's children will suffer hard working conditions. Adam asked God to take his soul.

God encouraged Adam the darkness would pass. God stopped talking to Adam. Adam and Eve wept over God's word for they could never return to the garden. They should suffer for their salvation.

The Sunrise and the Serpent

Summary: Adam and Eve were strengthened when light returned to the cave. When he felt the sun on his skin he became afraid for the plague was to come onto him. He pleaded to God to take his life. Adam believed the sun was God, so from then on, he was afraid of the sun. He thought God was sending a heat plague on them now after the dark one. God revealed to Adam he was not the sun.

As Adam and Eve came out of the cave toward the garden, they found the serpent that became Satan coming at the gate, wriggling on its belly. The serpent was the meanest beast of all time and it was very ugly. It lived in the dust of the earth. It was venomous.

When the serpent saw Adam and Eve, he went to Eve and ran after her. With a strong heart to Eve, Adam approached the serpent and flipped it on its belly. The serpent flipped Adam and Eve and pressed them to the ground. God sent an angel to throw the serpent away and raised them up yet again. God struck the serpent dead and a wind came and blew the creature to India. 

Suicide and Salvation

Summary: Adam spoke to God about him continuing to raise him from the dead. God told him he made a promise no creature or beast on earth could kill him. Adam begged God to send him to a place away from the serpent, but God reassured them the serpent would not get near them again. They then worshipped God. 

Then Adam and Eve left in search of the garden and the sun beat down on them. Adam threw himself down from the top of a mountain and much blood flowed from him. Eve began to weep because she didn't want to live without him. She then threw herself after him and she was torn and remained to lie as dead next to him. But God was merciful and he raised them again. 

God said he still had 5500 years left and Adam began weeping for he missed the garden and all its good. Since Adam began confessing his sins and trembled in fear of God, God took all Adams suffering and death on him to save Adam. 

Worship and Blessing

Summary: Adam wept for God to have mercy on him. Then Adam and Eve took stones and made an altar. They took leaves and they wiped the blood on the rock with them. They offered this blessing to God. There they stood at the altar asking God for the forgiveness of their sins. Adam began requesting things to God. God was merciful and accepted their offerings. God sent fire down to consume their offerings. 

God knew Adam still wanted death and he pleaded for Adam to not throw himself off a mountain again. Adam said he wanted to put an end to his life because he couldn't return to the beautiful garden. God told Adam he would not let him perish for he dearly loved him. Then the word of God came onto him and blessed him and comforted him. This became the first offering to God and it became the custom for many people to come.

Character List

Adam, Eve, God, the serpent, angels


Title: The Forgotten Books of Eden

Author: Rutherford H. Platt, Jr, 


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