Week 8 Comments and Feedback

 Comments and Feedback

Feedback In

I would give the feedback I have been receiving a 10/10! I get so excited to know people are actually reading my content and they really like it! I love how not only do they tell me things they love about my story/introduction, they give me insightful feedback on what areas need to be tweaked and improved upon! One comment I got was to go more in-depth with Cinderella and her mother's relationship and that is something I never would have thought to do on my own! Also, I am being kept on my toes when it comes to minor grammar mistakes! Overall, I think the feedback tool is very effective!

Feedback Out

I feel like I have been leaving really helpful feedback notes on my classmate's blogs because of the wonderful techniques I have learned like the WWW and TAG/Pretend. These techniques allow me to complement the work I am reading, but also it gives me the opportunity to ask questions and give suggestions! I think too often comments are praise only and getting insightful feedback is a great way to grow, learn, and improve!

Blog Comments

I think the introduction posts were a great way to get to know my classmates through this virtual learning method! I loved learning about where everyone came from, their majors, and what they were all interested in! Knowing a little bit about each person allows me to connect with them more when I am leaving feedback on their work! Also, I try to write everyone's names on any comments I leave so I can try and learn their names!

Looking Forward

I think for me, I need to ask more questions when it comes to leaving feedback on people's work! I also need to make sure I don't forget to read the author's note because sometimes that is a great place to clear up confusion in the story if it is a story I am not familiar with!

(Negative Thoughts Cat: Growthmindsetmemes)

I chose this image of this cat because I think it applies to me perfectly! I tend to critique my own work in my head and think negative thoughts! I think this is good because it's important to be positive so I in turn can give positive feedback to my classmates. I need to treat myself how I would treat others!


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