Week 2 Reading Overview: Indian Epics
Week 2 Reading Choice I have chosen to read the Public Domain Edition: Ramayana for week 3! One of the main factors that influenced me to chose this version over the other is because it is free. I love that there is a free option available and I don't have to go somewhere to buy it. As a senior who is in 12 hours and also has an internship, I don't have the flexibility to go out and buy a book. An online free version makes my life so much easier. I also liked the fact that it came with lots of notes and illustrations to aid the reading! Comic Book 1 Sudama : I chose to read this story because I have learned about Krishna in the past from my Understanding Non-Western Dance class. I was fascinated about the culture and the illustrations from this piece. Plus it is a story about friendship and I thought that would be a sweet read! Comic Book 2 Monkey Stories : I chose this story because it was a tale about The Money King and I chose to read about him in the previous assignment. A...